The House Mouse

Mouse Pest Control in Taunton, Somerset and Devon. Our mouse control call out service offers professional, discreet solutions to solve your mouse problem quickly, effectively and at a very competitive price. Call us now for a no obligation quote or if you would like to know more about mice and what we do read on.


A Pest Controllers guide to the House Mouse

The House mouse arrived in Britain around the 10th century B.C. it was originally a wild species, coming from the steppes of Russia.

The mouse is a rodent, one of over 1500 belonging to this group. They are placed in this group due to their continuously growing incisor teeth, this means they need to gnaw to keep their teeth down, it also means their teeth become razor sharp allowing them to bite through wood, soft metal and even some types of stone.

Reproduction rates of mice are impressive, and in theory nearly 2000 offspring in one year could come from one breeding pair. Each female can have 4-16 young in each litter and up to 10 litters each year. Males and females become sexually mature at only 8 weeks! Wild mice only live about 12 months. They are fiercely territorial. Mice can fit through the smallest of spaces, if you can pass a “Bic pen” under a door a mouse can also pass under it!

Not the most pleasant of subjects but let’s talk droppings. As you can see from this picture there is a real size difference between Rat and Mouse droppings.

Mouse droppings tend to appear dry so it’s hard to tell how old they are. Fresh rat droppings will appear moist. Mice produce around 80 droppings per day whilst also being incontinent they dribble urine on all surfaces they walk on.

Signs of Mice

Some people talk about smell, urine pillars and smear marks as an indicator of Mouse infestation this in our experience only takes place when there is a heavy infestation.

We use only the latest tried, tested and approved pesticides.

The Safety of our Commercial customers and their environment are our number one priority.

We will explain fully any treatment we have carried out and any precautions you need to take, if you require more than one treatment you will be given a 24 hour telephone number, if in any way you are concerned you can call us. We are with you every step of the way.

Why Guardian Pest Control?