Hugh Radford speaks to Claire Carter on BBC Local Radio

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This week on BBC local radio, Hugh Radford had an insightful conversation with Claire Carter from BBC Somerset. During the discussion, Claire mentioned a rat control problem she was facing in her home, and we were pleased to step in and provide assistance. We successfully helped remove the rats from Claire’s home, providing her with a safe and pest-free environment.

Rat infestations can be challenging and distressing for homeowners, leading to potential health hazards and property damage. That’s why it’s crucial to take swift action in handling such situations. If you find yourself facing a similar pest problem, don’t hesitate to seek professional help.

Guardian Pest Control specialises in effective and humane pest management solutions. Our expert team, including our very own “Rat Man Ross”, are dedicated to providing top-notch services to ensure the safety and well-being of your home. If you have any pest-related concerns, give us a call, and we’ll be there to help you promptly and efficiently. Your satisfaction and peace of mind are our top priorities, and we take pride in resolving pest issues effectively.

Remember, when it comes to pest control, Guardian Pest Control is here to protect your home and family from unwanted intruders. Call us today for a reliable and trusted solution to your pest problems.